Introducing Jemma Phibbs and James Lloyd, founders of School Space
A £20,000 grant from UnLtd helped grow a school project into a multi-million-pound social enterprise in less than decade.
Nicola Curtis
External Affairs Lead
More people than ever are stepping up to tackle the world’s problems. Could you be one of them?
We are UnLtd. We know social entrepreneurs offer some of the best solutions to loneliness, community resilience and our nation’s long term economic, social and cultural health.
We are committed to 50% of our Awards going to Black, Asian and minority ethnic social entrepreneurs, and/or disabled social entrepreneurs across our funding programmes.
Read our 2021 - 2022 Impact Report to learn more.
"There were some great speakers at the UnLtd networking event, but more importantly terrific young social entrepreneurs were being nurtured and supported"
"The UnLtd mentoring programme has a big impact at Actis, providing examples of how we can think about the world in terms other than purely commercial"
Learn how to grow your business with our expert advice.
A £20,000 grant from UnLtd helped grow a school project into a multi-million-pound social enterprise in less than decade.
Nicola Curtis
External Affairs Lead
It’s not often you get asked what sweet would best describe you at a press conference but then this is no ordinary Q & A. To mark Social Enterprise Day, we’ve handed over the mic to Media Cubs Everleigh and Lila and together they’ve put four of our newest programme award winners through their paces.
Nicola Curtis
External Affairs Lead
A near fatal accident in 2007 was the start of Liam Rushmer’s journey to becoming an award-winning social entrepreneur.
Nicola Curtis
External Affairs Lead