Our application portal will be closed for essential upgrades from 24th March until 28th April

During this time you will not be able to start or submit an application. Any applications that have not been submitted by 11.59pm on 24th March will be lost. You can start a new application when the portal reopens.

You are unstoppable

More people than ever are stepping up to tackle the world’s problems. Could you be one of them?

Our mission

We are UnLtd. We know social entrepreneurs offer some of the best solutions to loneliness, community resilience and our nation’s long term economic, social and cultural health.

We are committed to 50% of our Awards going to Black, Asian and minority ethnic social entrepreneurs, and/or disabled social entrepreneurs across our funding programmes.

Last year we backed 253 social entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and start up.
253 Social Entrepreneurs
78% Of social entrepreneurs feel valued and understood for the change they create.
Through every entrepreneur we supported, 832 people’s lives were positively impacted.
832 lives impacted

Read our 2021 - 2022 Impact Report to learn more.

Stay on top of customer support

Get started or progress your social business to the next stage of your journey. With up to £18,000 available to fund organisational costs and help you grow your impact.
One-to-one support
You'll work with one of our support managers. They'll provide support, offer coaching and advice, and act as your 'critical friend' to help you achieve your goals and become a stronger social leader.
Business and specialist skills
From marketing to finance, you’ll get the chance to build your business skills thanks to our experts and partners. We run workshops, learning sessions and accelerators to make sure you get the knowledge you need.
Mentoring and pro-bono experts
We connect you with professionals who can provide specialist advice and help you develop. Our network of mentors and volunteers includes individuals across a range of industries as well as organisations such as Hogan Lovells, PA Consulting, Herbert Smith Freehills and Johnson & Johnson.
The Growth Impact Fund is a social investment fund, helping fast growth early-stage social businesses to grow their impact. It is a joint venture run in partnership with UnLtd, Big Issue Invest and Shift. It exists to make social investment better for founders from underrepresented backgrounds and their teams.
Understanding your impact
UnLtd can work with you and give you the tools to help better understand and measure the social impact you want to achieve. We'll then work with you to help you grow your impact and make a bigger difference.

"There were some great speakers at the UnLtd networking event, but more importantly terrific young social entrepreneurs were being nurtured and supported"

Lisa Cunningham
Project Director, Business in the Community

"The UnLtd mentoring programme has a big impact at Actis, providing examples of how we can think about the world in terms other than purely commercial"

Paul Fletcher
Executive Chairman, Actis